March 2017. This was a wonderful conference, though unseasonably sunny weather in London made it difficult to be inside on the weekend. It was worth it. Mark Kersten and Kirsten Ainley have a great network practitioners and academics, and their expertise in International Criminal Law was on display. This was my first introduction to Kevin Jon Heller, Alex Whiting, Beth van Schaack, Patryk Labuda, Adewale Iyanda, Aidan Hehir, Fidelma Donlon, Gerhard van Rooyen, and Alex Hinton. Some highlights: I presented a trapezoidal powerpoint presentation standing behind a column; had an argument with Alex Hinton about the Mardi Gras Zulu Parade; talked music with Aidan Hehir; got lost in front of Stephen Rapp; got chastised by Kevin Heller for drinking Starbucks coffee (justifiably); had a member of Kenyatta’s defense team explain investigative failures to me; and met a friend of my Uncle-in-law Joe’s from Addis. Along the way, I learned a great deal about hybrid tribunals. We all need to think more about them.